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Discover our other art & design festival:
April 22 - May 4, 2025

A Weekend to Remember!
The Boston International Fine Art Show is New England's premier show and sale of historic, modern and contemporary fine art. A show like BIFAS requires the participation of hundreds of individuals and businesses to bring you one spectacular weekend. We especially thank our exhibitors, without whom there would be no show. Please support their efforts through your purchases and keep the finest coming to Boston!
2022 Exhibitors
2023 Exhibitors to be announced soon!

Gary Bruder Fine Art (NY)

"BIFAS is Boston's premier art show and for over two decades has continuously been recognized... for the breadth,
depth and quality of works... Beautifully carpeted aisles and dramatically designed booths invite guests to view
some of today's most influential artists in professional gallery settings." - New England Monthly

Discover the wide variety and talent of our individual emerging
and mid-career juried artists in our special "Emerge" section.